

9.1 Current Perception

BenQ has always achieved its promise to build the world-class cutting-edge display devices and contributed in developing the new technology innovations that meets the reliability requirement within the LCD monitor industry. Just a couple of years since its incorporated in 2001, BenQ has managed to create an internationally known and distinctive brand image. However, BenQ’s early success won’t turn into complacency as their computing products for instance LCD monitors are not the preferred choice among the majority. It is still very weak in many countries especially in Malaysia.

9.1.1 Branding

The main problem has found, it is about the brand conscious – the most thoughtful “sickness” in the consumer’s buying behavior in Malaysia. According to my conducted survey over the 50 respondents within the Klang Valley, there are about 72% of the consumers admitted that they are very conscious and care about the brand while purchasing a computer monitor. From this survey, 24 out of 50 people used the Samsung LCD Monitor – the Top LCD Monitor manufacture brand in the World. Follow by the LG and Acer is the most owned brand among them. BenQ is not ranked as the least, it still have the 15 owners, however, a lot of effort still need to be putting in to achieve its company’ s goal as to make BenQ an international, globally recognized brand.

9.1.2 Quality

People are always committed to a bad attitude when commenting on something else. They prefer to use their shallow knowledge and opinion to create their own belief towards something which is supposed not to be like what they are assumed. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, this phenomenon can be defined as prejudice, an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. Concerning back to the BenQ’s case, consumers in Malaysia are so prejudicial until they justify the BenQ as the “Made in Taiwan” country-of-origin adverse brand. Because of this, consumers lost confident and reliability towards BenQ world-class qualitative and reliable products.

9.1.3 Price

Making a consumer electronics purchase is expensive. Some consumers save for months, even years, before they invest in a new television, computer or camcorder. However, sometimes even saving is not enough. While most electronics are well within the price range of most consumers, there are still those out there that cannot enjoy the latest and greatest technology because of the price. In these cases, consumers go for the cheapest alternative which is not always the best case scenario. Many manufacturers now have price match policies, something many consumers take advantage of.

9.1.4 Technology

The monitor is one of the most important parts of a computer, yet consumers don’t usually give it much thought. Instead, people simply accept whatever is included in a package deal. But with computers now playing a major role in home entertainment, business and multimedia, it’s time to judge displays on their own merits. It could not be denied that BenQ always brings surprises for its consumers in terms of their world-class cutting –edge display technology as well as their promised in fast-pace digital lifestyle. The unique selling proposition called Senseye® Human Vision Technology which offered in every LCD Monitors dynamically enhances picture quality and be a simple promise of higher definition visuals that are deeper, richer and clearer.

9.1.5 Appearance

Product design refers to how a product is conceived, planned, and produced. Good design, however, means more than just functionality; it also involves a product’s appearance and aesthetic. Nether the less, it is one of the best competitive advantages any brand can possess. One of the components in product design is about styling or can be viewed as the physical appearance of the product. The style of a product is one design feature that can allow certain product to sell very rapidly. According to my conducted survey, as the question had asked to clarify the factors that drive the consumers to choose their preferable LCD Monitor’s brand, 88% of the respondents have chosen the design or appearance as the main influences. This becomes a biggest challenge for BenQ to meet the aesthetic requirement of the current consumer’s purchasing behavior.

